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Edit Touchpad Scroll Speed in Wayland

·1 min

Clone the Following Repo #

git clone

Install the following packages #

sudo apt install libinput-dev libinput-tools meson

Then follow the directions in the repo. Here’s the summary.

meson build
cd build
# meson configure -Dnon_glibc=true
# meson configure -Dshitty_sandboxing=true
sudo ninja install
  • If you’re using a C library that’s not glibc, uncomment the third line. (#12)
  • If you’re using Snap and seeing error messages when launching apps, uncomment the fourth line. (#13)

Create and edit the config file #

We need to create a file, /etc/libinput.conf and insert our key value pairs. Were interested in editing our scroll speed, so the key would be scroll-factor. A value of 0.3 works great for me.

echo "scroll-factor=0.3" | sudo tee -a /etc/libinput.conf > /dev/null && sudo touch /etc/libinput.conf

Reboot for the config to take affect. Then edit the value to your liking. Unfortunately, I would need to reboot every time to test out new values.