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Edit Touchpad Scroll Speed in X11/Xorg (Linux)

·2 mins
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Story Time #

  • Trying Linux on a laptop was very unenjoyable in the beginning. The MAIN reason being touchpad scroll speed. It’s just way too fast and it lead to me using an external mouse. However, with some perseverance I found a solution. I’ll show you how :)

Use libinput #

  • Find the Device ID for the touchpad

  • Once you found the touchpad, list its properties

    xinput list-props <device_id>
  • You’ll want to find this option: ScrollPixelDistance and its associated sub id

    xinput set-prop <device_id> <sub_id> <value>
    # e.g. xinput set-prop 12 318 45
    • When listing the properites of the touchpad, you’ll see the default ScrollPixelDistance. This will give you a base to work on.

Make a Permanent Change #

  • The commands above will only work for that session. So if you turn off or restart your laptop, the settings you put will be gone. We can fix that though!

  • Create a file with this piece of code in this directory

    • /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/

      # /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/<some_value>-libinput.conf
      Section "InputClass"
        Identifier "libinput touchpad catchall"
        MatchIsTouchpad "on"
        MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
        Driver "libinput"
        Option "ScrollPixelDistance" "50"
    • Replace the value of 50 with the value YOU liked

    • Name the file similar to this (higher value = having higher priority to other configurations your Linux disto has made)

      • 39-libinput.conf
    • You can see other similar configurations in

      • /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d